A sweet start to the day, a crispy break, or something to nibble on among friends. What makes life worth living? The moments that we savour! And our mission is to create and perfect such moments.
A sweet start to the day, a crispy break, or something to nibble on among friends. What makes life worth living? The moments that we savour! And our mission is to create and perfect such moments.
Quality is vital for us, and that includes our relations with others – our employees, our suppliers and our partners. Mutual respect means treating others as equals.
We focus on quality – both when dealing with one another and with the food that we process every day... and with nature, the basis of all our products.
Quality in everything – when selecting our ingredients and when manufacturing our products. No compromises are made when it comes to consistency, ingredients or taste.
Gilli GmbH has stood for high-quality specialty foods since 1968. The grandfathers of today’s owners, Albert Gilli and Julius Kritzinger ...
Gilli GmbH has stood for high-quality specialty foods since 1968. The grandfathers of today’s owners, Albert Gilli and Julius Kritzinger, were true pioneers in the specialty foods and grocery trade in South Tyrol.
It all started in their traditional grocery retail shop in Cardano, which also included its own grain mill and a small, artisanal coffee roaster. The farmers from neighbouring valleys delivered wood by horse-drawn carts to the various sawmills in Cardano, then proceeding to buy grain and other food. The purchases were paid on a Sunday at the local inn after mass. At the time, we sold our products exclusively in South Tyrol.
In the ‘70s, however, our distribution grew exponentially outside the province thanks to the committed work of Herbert Gilli. We soon covered all of northern Italy. Today, Gilli covers Italy’s modern food retail trade.
Picture this: 300 days of sunshine a year. Sounds pretty good, right? We’re lucky enough that our company’s location …
Picture this: 300 days of sunshine a year. Sounds pretty good, right? We’re lucky enough that our company’s location just happens to enjoy that many days of sunshine. We’re based at the heart of the South Tyrolean Dolomites, surrounded by fresh air, lush green forests, unspoilt mountains and crystal-clear lakes. And our regional unity is reflected in our range of select specialties.
Quality assurance is not a matter of opinion, but a question of responsibility. The entire Gilli team …
Quality assurance is not a matter of opinion, but a question of responsibility. The entire Gilli team is committed to continuous improvement and maintenance of the management system, certified ISO 9001 and IFS Logistics, to meet customer requirements of today and tomorrow. Possibilities for improvement identified during audits or other reviews are immediately evaluated and implemented. The result of our efforts is high customer satisfaction. A certificate that counts!
Ever wondered what geothermal and photovoltaic energy have in common? Both are key to sustainable energy and heating solutions! And guess what? ...
Ever wondered what geothermal and photovoltaic energy have in common? Both are key to sustainable energy and heating solutions! And guess what? We make the most of both at Gilli! On sunny days, our systems can generate up to 760 kilowatts of electricity. We use 46% of that to power our own operations!
What about the remaining electricity? Don’t worry, it doesn’t go to waste. Instead, it’s channelled into the local grid, allowing others to enjoy our clean, green electricity. It is also used to power our geothermal plant, further minimising our ecological footprint.
Here at Gilli, we’re always buzzing with energy – sustainably sourced, of course!
Top-notch quality products for consumers. Gilli has stood for high-quality specialty foods since 1968. Gilli has always had ...
Top-notch quality products for consumers.
Gilli has stood for high-quality specialty foods since 1968. Gilli has always had an unerring sixth sense when it comes to uniqueness. This flair for the special has made it into a well-known brand. Over the course of the years, the company has become a recognised brand for countless specialty food products. Enough is never enough to us: our high expectations ensure we reach our goals and fill our clients with passion for our food. This is how a typical day at Gilli runs. We follow these principles and guidelines:
Our main goal is achieving outstanding client satisfaction!
Our performance itself is a service to our clients. We want to foresee their needs and expectations. And satisfy them too, of course. We actually talk with and try to understand our clients and offer them innovative, special and high-quality food delicacies in return. We offer that certain je ne sais quoi at a great price-performance ratio, to boot. Producing high-quality products is a given; another of our aims it to strictly follow food security guidelines, which are guaranteed via regular controls, also carried out by independent and accredited laboratories. It’s as clear as day to us, but let’s say it anyway: rigid QC as well as delivery reliability are of paramount importance. Our clients have come to trust us and rely on a solid partnership because of our reliability, candour and friendliness.
Happy and satisfied staff!
We’re a family-run business: it doesn’t take much to reach the conclusion that we see it as our duty to take care of our staff, too. We set an example: we demand mutual understanding and respect; we train our staff and ask them to constantly improve their performance. A positive representation of people, mutual appreciation and trust are the principles for a good collaboration. They also create a good working environment, which also ensures that all staff carry out their tasks with happiness and a lot of dedication. We simply can’t emphasise enough how important teamwork is to us here at Gilli, as well as individual performance of every single member of staff. Team work is important to pool everyone‘s skills and knowledge and to reach our goals together. CPD is at the heart of our staff training, as the food industry’s legislation and trends continue to change.
A just partner for all stakeholders!
We value long-sanding personal relations with our clients, suppliers, and other business partners. We nurture just and long-standing business relations based on fairness and trust.
We are responsible!
We want to fulfil our corporate responsibility. Complying with all legislative demands and other guidelines we have signed up to is a given. We are particularly focused on health and safety at work, ensuring the wellbeing of our staff, and protecting the environment.
We are committed to safety and continuity.
This implies that the survival of our company can be ensured thanks to the economic, long-term success. This will also create and secure jobs. The company will be passed on to the next generation whole and ‚healthy, as it were. Gilli wants to contribute in a meaningful manner to South Tyrol’s economy with economic and social projects.
We work on constantly improving and developing our company!
The whole team at Gilli is committed to constantly improving the company, as well as maintaining the certified ISO 9001 and IFS Progress Logistics management system recognitions, to fulfil present and future client needs. We always consider and implement recognised improvements to our audit and control systems.
Our high client satisfaction level is the result of this effort. A result that counts.